Thursday 10 November 2011

Of Love And Hurt!!!!

Love is a strange feeling. You never know when it will come, sweep you away and make you feel things that are out of this world!!!When you are in love everything and everybody seems wonderful. You cant stop smiling the whole day. You literaally feel you can fly!!!!  But it also hurts equally as bad when the other person doesnt love you!!!!

I am sure many of us have encountered with the situation of deciding whether to tell the person you love that you love her. It gets so confusing. On one hand your heart says whats the use of remaining friends if i have to feel miserable by seeing that person each day an on the other there is always the fear that you would lose whatever contact you have with that person. You just dont seem to be able to come to a conclusion.

And what really hurts is after telling that person that you love him/her that person decided to stop talking to you. At that precise moment of time you do feel something hurting in your chest. And what do you do when you have to see that person everyday?? I fear there is nothing much you can do other than just telling your heart to move on. which in my book is the hardest thing to do. How can one move on from something he doesnt want to move on from. what if he thinks she is the one. seeing that person everyday talking to someone else wipes the smile off your face. The worst parrt is you are standing there and watching her and silently thinking i should have been the one talking to her right now rather than that guy. You literally feel jealous of each and everyone she talks to. And you feel as if you are the most miserable person around. You just want to get away but you cant. It feels helpless. And given that these happen during our teens our hormones dont help us either!!!!

So when you start feeling that you can take on the world-beware-chances are you are in love!!!! And my advice would be to convey your feelings only if you are super duper sure that the person loves you too or if that person is super duper cool coz that would mean she would at the least remain friends with you!!!! :)

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